How to remove mould

Todd sent me this very old and tired photo for restoration. It had suffered some severe mould damage and needed a good cleanup in Photoshop . The mould shows itself as light and dark patches. But because there are so many we can't use the spot removal or the healing brush in the normal way.

How to remove mould?

If you do then the light and dark patches are 'merged' and they become neither, ending up is a mid-tone grey. What was needed was to pick an area and decide if the surrounding blotches needed to be made lighter or darker to match the good areas.

Then using the healing tool set to either 'lighten' or 'darken' mode I was able to match the damaged area with good areas, without merging the two and making everything muddy and grey. The results are very good and the faces became much more visible and the whole photo looks very presentable.

Google Review

Richard at Pixelfix did the impossible by taking an old family photo from the late 1800s that was suffering from significant mould damage and fading. I didn't think he would be able to do much with it, but I was wrong. Thanks Richard for breathing new life into a cherished family portrait.

- Todd


Before & After

Photo Restoration B&W - How to remove mould
Medium Restoration 4+hours - $160 plus prints

A Colourful Wedding

Susan from the corromandel sent me this badly faded Colourful wedding photo. Unfortunately all the colour had been bleached away by exposure to the sun. On top of that problem this photo was also taken in the seventies. So guess what. Yes. Honeycomb textured paper!! This always makes thing more tricky and adds to the workload. But we have good success removing this normally and the results once the fading had been restored looked good. Adding back the colour then made the photo complete again. We tweaked the colours to match Susan's request and the wedding photo is now being enjoyed again.

Before and After Colourful Wedding Photo

Colour Photo Restoration
Medium Restoration $180 plus prints

Wedding Disaster

Wedding Disaster Unfortunately there were lots of moisture damage. I believe someone had spilt liquid on it then tried to wipe it dry.

Please don't do that at home. If you ever spill liquid on a photo then please don't wipe it. Just let it drip dry and hang it up somewhere. Once it is dry then contact us and we can then restore the damage. As you can see below It looks better than ever now it has been restored.

Before and After Wedding Disaster Photo


Photo Restoration
Medium Level Restoration $120 plus prints

The Beauty of Black and White

Sunlight can be a powerful destroyer of Black and White photos. It leads to fading and discolouration. This sad old photo was on its way to the ghostly 'faded photo bin'. But I was able to restore the fading and remove the discoloration to return this damaged photo back to its form glory. Black and white is such a beautify medium I think and this is a fine example of that. Barry was so please he ordered 3 copies with frames.


Hi Richard,

Payment made via internet banking just now. Yes you may use the images as an example if you wish to do so.

Looks fantastic!

- Barry | Auckland

The Beauty of Black and White Before and After Photo

Photo Restoration
Light restoration Less than 2 hours $59


How Do You Restore This?

Removing surface damage, including cracks and creases is an everyday occurrence in photo restoration. This is the most common damage to old photos. The damage is most often because of people folding the photographs. This cracks the photographic emulsion surface and reveals the paper underside of the photo.

How Do You Restore This?

To repair this kind of damage we must use the magic of Photoshop. A few different  tools are used for this kind of restoration. but to restore the cracked areas and surface damage I use the 'healing brush' and the 'spot healing brush'. With the healing brush you can select which area you want to copy the pixels from and then select where to paste them.

As you paste the copied pixels, Photoshop analysis the surrounding pixels and adjusts the colour of pasted pixels to closely match those of the surrounding area. The Spot Healing Brush automatically selects the best area to copy from and matches to the surround pixels. This is a much quicker one step process as apposed to the Healing Brush 2 steps. But it can be less useful in very detailed areas.

Before and After

photo restoration
Light - Medium Restoration $80

Let There Be Light!

Let there be light!

When Julia brought in this wonderful family photo for restoration. It was dark and had been laminated. A common practice with photos from the islands. But we were able to use the magic of Photoshop to bring back the brightness and also the colour. The difference is amazing and Julia was very pleased with the results.


Hi Richard
Thankyou it looks great!

Before & After

colour photo restoration
Light Colour Restoration $60 plus prints

This is what to do If this happens

Pixelfix Restoration

Carol brought in 2 photos in there frames with broken glass. The photos had stuck to the glass and the glass had been broken when trying to remove them. This happens... a lot.

If this happens to you. Please don't do anything further once you discover that the photo is struck to the glass. Bring it straight into me at Pixelfix Restoration and I can scan it through the glass before anything gets broken and things are made worse. Carol was lucky and we were able to restore the damaged areas and fix up the cracks in the glass.

Restored Photo

Poto restoration Colour
Medium restoration $150 plus prints

Genealogy – Happy Families

Happy Families

Ian is updating his families genealogy files and he brought me a bunch of these very badly faded old black and white photos to be restored. The fading was not uniform and was quite bad in places. This type of old photo is very small and was not very sharp. The other blemishes and marks were also removed and the final restored photo was a big improvement on the originals.


Genealogy also known as family history, is the study of families and the tracing of their lineages and history. Genealogists use oral interviews, historical records, genetic analysis, and other records to obtain information about a family and to demonstrate kinship and pedigrees of its members. The results are often displayed in charts or written as narratives.

From Wikipedia.

Photo Restoration
Medium Restoration 3+ Hours $120 plus prints

This looks like its been through the mill!!

This looks like its been through the mill!

Davinder Brought in two very badly damaged photos that had been through the mill. It seemed so literally. Large sections of the image had been damaged so much that the surface had disappeared completely. But using Photoshop to build layers from the surround areas and using the clone and heal tools I was able to reconstruct the missing areas and match this with the rest of the photo.

The results are really quite dramatic. Davinder was very pleased with the new photos. so much so that he asked us to frame them for him so they could go back up on the wall. Below is one of these images.


Davinder also  wrote us a fantastic review on google you can read more about that here....

Professional service, excellent job done in agreed time.

-Davinder | Auckland

Photo Restoration - This looks like its been through the mill!
Heavy Photo Restoration 5+ hours $200

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